
Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys

Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys

All the details you wonder about the Three Beauties Fairy chimneys, which are among the must-see places in Cappadocia, are shared in the rest of my article. First of all, the Three Beauties fairy chimneys, which consist of 2 large and 1 small fairy chimneys and reflect a nuclear family arrangement, are among the places that attract the most attention of tourists visiting the region. So much so that this region ranks 1st among the most photographed places in Cappadocia. In this region, which continues to be visited by an average of 2.5 million tourists every year, groups who get married, get engaged or come with a tour visit the Three Beauties first.

Where are the Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys?

Answers to the question of where are the Three beauties fairy chimneys are often sought. Located on the Ürgüp – Nevşehir highway, this region is actually considered the symbol of Cappadocia. You can reach the Fairy Chimneys by following the signs from the entrance of Urgup. It is also worth mentioning that transportation is easy as it is only 5 km away from the center of Urgup.

How To Get To The Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys?

You can use your personal vehicle to go to Three Beauties fairy chimneys. Or you can easily reach the region by public transportation. Those who want to go by bus can reach Ürgüp directly and go to Üç Güzeller Fairy Chimneys with tours organized from here. Three Beauties is located on the Ürgüp Road before entering Ürgüp. If you get off at the Nevsehir terminal, you need to take the city minibus and after getting off at the Nevsehir forum stop, you need to take the Urgup bus from the stop at the Nevsehir Meteris square, which is 5 minutes walking distance.

If you are coming by private car, you can take advantage of our google maps map on our page or you can reach your destination if you choose our subject as ürgüp.

Information About Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys

The Three beauties fairy chimneys, commonly known as the Three Beauties in Cappadocia, are unique rock formations distinguished by their ‘hood’ shapes. Unlike other fairy chimneys in the region, these structures have been eroded by wind and floodwaters on volcanic terrain. The Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys, however, have undergone erosion from both floodwaters and wind, forming a funnel-like structure without touching the upper parts.

Composed of red rocks, the Fairy Chimneys offer a spectacular view of Mount Erciyes, especially during sunset. Photographers, both amateur and professional, capture stunning scenes here, as the setting sun aligns with the landscape. Additionally, there is no entrance fee to access this area. While enjoying the sunset from the observation point, visitors can also explore other fairy chimneys in the vicinity.

The Three Beauties region is known for its numerous souvenir shops. In addition to handmade jewelry crafted by local women, visitors should not miss the opportunity to see ornamental items made from Onyx stones. Now, let’s explore the story of Cappadocia Three Beauties, also known as the Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys, and discover what it narrates together.

Legend of Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys (Story)

The legend of the Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys or the story of the 3 beauties of Cappadocia is actually one of the topics that many people wonder about before visiting the region. Some travelers say that these chimneys are the bodies of the father, grandfather, grandmother and the mother who turned into stone with a child in her arms.

The most striking legend of the Three Graces is about the king’s daughter and a shepherd living in the region. According to the story, the king had a very beautiful daughter and she fell in love with the shepherd. Although the king constantly tried to prevent this situation, the princess escaped and married the shepherd. The two of them had a child and they set off thinking that this child would calm the king down. However, the king’s hatred and anger, which is much bigger than the world, kicks in as soon as he sees the princess and the shepherd, and he sends soldiers against them from the palace gate. Realizing that they would die when they were captured, the princess made a heartfelt plea to God and said, “O God, send us a great miracle and save us from this.” According to the legend in the Cappadocia 3 beauties story, Allah accepted this prayer and turned the princess, the shepherd and his child into stone. Again, according to the legend, the stone in the middle is the child, her companion stone is the princess and the stone in the front is the body of the shepherd.

This is the legend of the Three (3) Beauties Fairy Chimneys. Although it is a bitter story, Üç Güzeller Fairy Chimneys, which shows how sacred the concept of family is, has also become a region where families come to pray. Visitors to the region wish to have children by descending and ascending 7 times on the slope right next to the chimneys. In fact, this is accepted as an effect of the story.

There is another belief about the legend of the Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys. It is said that the giants living in Cappadocia blow flames into people’s houses to scare people. The sultan realized this one day while passing through the Three Graces and gathered fairies and brought snow from the top of the mountains. He extinguished the fire with these snows and an extremely beautiful friendship was formed due to the goodness of the fairies. In this process, the daughter of the sultan of the fairies and the king’s son fell in love. The people who did not accept this love between Gülperi, the daughter of the sultan, and Revan, the son of the king, declared war on the fairies, but the fairy sultan preferred to move away from the region. This story has been accepted as a legend that has survived to the present day as the legend of the Cappadocian princess.

Apart from Ürgüp theree güzeller Fairy Chimneys, which ranks first among the must-see places in Ürgüp, it is recommended to wake up early in the morning and take a balloon tour to witness the natural beauty of the region. There are not only fairy chimneys among the places to visit in Urgup. There are also many souvenir shops in Ürgüp, a place where you can have a great time with its underground cities, streets and valleys. Here you can buy handcrafted items that describe and remind you of the region and you can continue to witness this beauty for a lifetime.

Where is Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys Map

Are Fairy Chimneys in Ürgüp or Göreme?

There are fairy chimneys in both Ürgüp and Göreme regions of Cappadocia. However, Üç Güzeller Fairy Chimneys are located within the borders of Ürgüp. It is approximately 5 km away from the centre. As you leave Nevşehir and go to Ürgüp, there is a junction on the left. You can easily reach the region with your personal vehicle by entering here. It is also possible to go to Üç Güzeller Fairy Chimneys on foot from Ürgüp.
The Three graces fairy chimneys are known for their legendary legends as well as their pleasant appearance. Many years ago, the sultan’s beautiful daughter fell in love with a shepherd. However, as in every legend, love is impossible in this legend. The sultan will never allow his daughter to marry the shepherd. But the girl is determined. She runs away and goes to the shepherd. Years pass and the two lovers have a child. They think that the sultan will soften towards them with the birth of this child and they set off. Seeing the two lovers and their children coming to the palace, the sultan orders his soldiers to kill them. The sultan’s daughter asks for salvation with a sincere plea. The lovers and their children, who suddenly turn to stone, form the Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys. There are many people in the region who make wishes based on this legend.

What is the story of fairy chimneys?

The story of the fairy chimneys is that it was believed that huge giants lived in the region at one time and that these giants threw huge waves of flame at the people living here. The people of the region prayed together against these giants and tried to resist these giants. According to one belief, their prayer was fulfilled, according to another belief, the king of the region learned about the incident and gave the order to the king fairies and they started throwing snow into the fireballs thrown by the giants, and the fairies started throwing ice and snow, and in this way they integrated with the local people and started to call the rock shapes formed during the war fairy chimneys.

Where are the fairy chimneys with the hats?

The fairy chimneys, which we call the hatted fairy chimneys, are the area visited by tourists on the Nevşehir Ürgüp road, which we call the Three Beauties in the region.

What is the meaning of Three Graces?

It is said that the meaning of the Three Graces fairy chimney actually represents a family of 5 people in the region. The largest Fairy Chimney represents the grandfather, and the fairy chimney standing right in front of him represents the mother. The mother is pregnant and holding her other child right in front of her. According to belief, those who are not children visit this place and believe that they will have children when they go up and down the slope next to the fairy chimneys 7 times.

Three Beauties Fairy Chimneys

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